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Fermented smoked cheese with MIT CEBOLLINO 100 GR

  • Fermentino arises from the fermentation of nuts and oilseeds by adding water and salt. Depending on the maturity, it can be fresh or mature and can be hard or soft paste.
    Fermentino is by definition a completely natural product and does not provide for the addition of other ingredients that are not of vegetable origin.
    Fermè is the Fermentino line made from only 3 natural ingredients: fermented cashew nuts, water, salt and in some cases the addition of aromatic herbs and natural spices.
    The Fermentino of the Fermè line is organic and 100% vegetable and has a unique taste, which is given by the spices and aromatic herbs that characterize it.
    A complete range of spreadable and matured fermentins to try alone, on a slice of bread or as a versatile ingredient for all vegetable-based recipes.
    The main advantage of fermentation is the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into preserving organic acids. Some clear examples are the conversion of grape juice into wine, cereals into beer, carbohydrates into carbon dioxide for the fermentation of bread.
    The fermentation can save remarkable amounts of food through lactic acid, alcohol, acetic acid and alkaline fermentations. In addition, there is an ecological enrichment of food substrates with proteins, essential amino acids and vitamins during the fermentation process.
    Using fermented foods is a healthy way to enrich our diet and introduce new flavors, aromas and consistencies to the foods we eat. It is a way to always experience starting from the oldest secrets. It is a path to innovation.
    The use of fermented foods is one way of bringing nature and thus the ingredients of life onto the table