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Nutritional supplements / Schuessler salts

Schüssler Salt No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum

  • the immune system
    Effect of the Schüsser Salz No. 3
    The functional agent Ferrum Phoshoricum helps the body absorb oxygen into the blood, as it enables the oxygen molecules to bind to the red blood cells. The more oxygen reaches the cells via the blood, the more nutrients are burned. Which in turn means that the body has more energy to e.g. B. Improve concentration and memory. Since Ferrum Phoshoricum helps certain proteins in the muscle to absorb oxygen and, if necessary, release it again, the salt is therefore also involved in the energy production in the cells. In addition, the Schüssler salt influences the tension of blood vessels and thus the blood flow. It also helps the body to bring the iron in the organism to where it is needed (e.g. it needs the spleen more if a cold occurs). Ferrum Phoshoricum also supports the immune system, promotes the elimination of toxins and helps with inflammation in the early stages.
    Face Analysis Aspects:
    The following characteristics may be a deficiency in Ferrum Phosphoricum:
    * Shadows under the eyes
    * bluish-red Ferrum blush (hot)
    * yellowish-gray color
    * reddish forehead
    * Cheeks and chin
    * hot ears
    * pale gums
    Personality traits
    People with a need for Ferrum phosphoricum place particularly high demands on themselves and want to fulfill all tasks conscientiously. They are characterized by a pronounced willingness to help. They often come under deadline pressure, feel overwhelmed and overestimate their physical resources. They long for breaks, but they don't keep them. Ferrum phosphoricum helps them to restructure themselves internally, to better perceive and implement their personal needs. It creates a stable basis on a mental and physical level to strengthen the immune system.
    Ferrum Phoshoricum is used in:
    * Circulatory disorders (with cold hands and feet)
    * Inflammation in the early stages
    * Disorders in iron metabolism
    * Cold (cough, runny nose, fever)
    Defense weakness
    * Memory and concentration problems
    * Diarrhea and gastric mucosal inflammation to support medical treatment
    * Hair, nail and skin growth disorders
    * slight internal and external injuries
    *low blood pressure
    * 1st degree burns (sunburn)
    How to use:
    Dissolve six tablets in your mouth six times a day.

