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Nutritional supplements / Schuessler salts

Schüssler Salt No. 5 Potassium phosphoricum

  • Psyche and nerves, weaknesses, exhaustion, depression
    Effect of the Schüßler Salt No. 5
    The functional agent potassium phoshoricum is considered a nutrient for muscle and nerve tissue. It prevents the breakdown of cell tissue, makes the work of the nerves and muscles possible and is responsible for their smooth functioning. The nerve salt also regulates the distribution of potassium and phosphate ions in the body, which has a stabilizing effect on the nerves, body, mind and soul. However, if the distribution of potassium and phosphate ions in the body is disturbed, muscle pain, nerve and muscle weakness or even muscle paralysis can occur. Furthermore, the salt is involved in the energy production in the cells and helps certain proteins in the muscle to absorb oxygen and, if necessary, to release it again.
    Face Analysis Aspects:
    The following characteristics may be a deficiency in potassium phosphoricum:
    * ash gray skin
    * looks unwashed and tired
    * greyish color around the eyes
    * sunken temples
    * brown tongue
    * Periodontitis
    Bad breath
    Personality traits
    People who need potassium phosphoricum are often moody, pessimistic, unreasonable. They lack self-confidence, but above all they lack mental flexibility and perseverance. A change in the previous living conditions is only accepted with great hesitation and doubt. If the success turns out to be too slow or does not take place for the time being, you will return to the tried and tested as quickly as possible or start something completely new. Potassium phosphoricum tends to always look for the negative aspects of life. You literally blossom out of worry and transfer this behavior to the immediate circumstances of life. Potassium phosphoricum personalities often live in an environment that is negatively influenced by environmental factors (electrosmog, noise, exhaust fumes).
    Potassium Phoshoricum is used for:
    * Weaknesses (after exercise)
    * Dejection
    * Anxiety and depression to support medical treatment
    * States of exhaustion (physical, mental and mental)
    * Listlessness
    * nervous diarrhea or constipation
    * Heart and muscle weakness and paralysis to support medical treatment
    * Sleep disorders (nervous insomnia)
    * Hyperactivity in children
    * circular hair loss
    * nervous asthma
    How to use:
    Dissolve six tablets in your mouth six times a day.

