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Bach flowers shop

Nr. 2 Aspen - Trembling Poplar - 20 ml

  • Nr. 2 Aspen - Trembling Poplar - 20 ml
    Confidence - Serenity - It gives you confidence and serenity in the face of the unknown.
    Bach flowers are a natural and individualized response to your emotional imbalances. The Bach Aspen flower helps when you are in a state of apprehension, diffuse anxieties or when you are overwhelmed by a feeling of worry, even if you cannot really explain its nature. When it happens, you withdraw into your inner world, waiting for it to happen. With the aspen you will find your courage, a feeling of strength and confidence in the face of the unknown, happiness and the desire to undertake.
    "3 to 4 drops under the tongue or in a glass of water.
    4x / day for 1 to 4 weeks. If necessary, take 1 every quarter of an hour.