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Bach flowers shop

Chestnut Bud - Chestnut Bud - 20 ml

  • Chestnut Bud - Chestnut Bud - 20 ml
    Vitality - Joy of living - Intensifies alertness, understanding and learning from experience.
    Bach flowers are a natural and individualized response to your emotional imbalances. The Bach Flower Chestnut Bud helps when you tend to repeat the same mistakes all the time due to inattention and blame yourself for not knowing how to learn from experience. The chestnut bud increases your attention and, therefore, allows you to be more efficient. You gain a greater understanding and are more aware of reality.
    "3 to 4 drops under the tongue or in a glass of water.
    4x / day for 1 to 4 weeks. If necessary, take 1 every quarter of an hour.