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Nutritional supplements / Detoxification of the organism

Colloidal Gold 10ppm

  • Colloidal Gold 10ppm
    It is said to make you "happy", boost self-confidence and relieve depression.
    Colloidal gold has long been known to mankind as an alternative medicine. Because of its many good properties, it is used for internal diseases, rheumatism, arthritis, dermatological inflammations (skin diseases), a wide variety of infections and especially mental diseases.
    If you look at the experiences of many generations, colloidal gold is said to increase the effect of every medicine taken. At least the small golden nanoparticles reach the "seed of inflammation" or recognize it directly and immediately lets its positive influences work together with the prescribed medicine. It is often taken for self-medication or as a precaution.
    Colloidal gold is a liquid (purified medicinal water) containing gold nanoparticles at a specified concentration (ppm) for ingestion, spraying or topical application by dabbing.
    When should you take colloidal gold?
    Colloidal gold can be used both internally and externally. Colloidal gold is repeatedly mentioned in connection with the psyche, spirit and soul.
    It is said to make you "happy", boost self-confidence and relieve depression. Colloidal gold can be taken for almost countless clinical pictures. A lot of good experiences were reported. Some examples below (apart from those already mentioned in other sections):
    *Alzheimers and dementia
    *Antibiotic resistance
    *Intestinal inflammation
    *DNS damage
    *Skin aging and scars (conjunctival weakness, wrinkles, scarring)
    *Cardiovascular disorders
    (high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia)
    *Heart dropsy
    *Obesity (morbid overweight, obesity)
    *Vaccination complaints
    *Loss of libido
    *Multiple sclerosis
    *Sleep disorders
    (waking up too early / not being able to fall asleep)
    *Streptococcus (pneumonia, blood poisoning, tuberculosis)
    *Addictions of all kinds (alcohol, nicotine, drugs)
    * Spinal pain (intervertebral discs)
    and much more m.
    The list could be continued almost endlessly.
    What effect does colloidal gold promise?
    Colloidal gold is considered a natural remedy for the heart and mind. Even Paracelsus, the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Tibetans and alchemists were convinced of the broad spectrum effect on the psyche, physical strength and inner health.
    The small nanoparticles of the liquid gold have an anti-inflammatory effect, drive out toxins (including lead) and excess substances from the metabolic balance, have a mood-enhancing and pain-relieving effect. To put it simply, one can say that the “liquid gold” on the one hand expels everything “superfluous” and on the other hand brings the smallest substances exactly to the place where they are needed. The small nanoparticles easily get from the head (brain) through the entire bloodstream down to the smallest toe.
    If we take gold colloids in addition to our normal medication, the effect of the medication is specifically and precisely reinforced. After a certain time, the medication can sometimes be reduced or even “discontinued” entirely. In the latter scenario, however, the treating doctor, therapist or naturopath should always be brought on board and asked for advice.