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Organic pomegranate 1 KG Region Alicante

  • The pomegranate is a juicy fruit with a thick, firm shell in a golden / orange tone. The interior is divided by a white membrane in different chambers. Each chamber contains a large amount of seeds individually with a red-pink substance that is juicy and refreshing and has a sweet and sour taste.
    Pomegranates can be stored at room temperature if you want to consume them directly. If not, it can be stored in the refrigerator for at least 3 weeks (it is also possible to freeze the individual seeds taken). At the moment of acquiring a pomegranate, one should choose those that are a good size and heavy weight; the color should be alive with brownish nuances. Those fruits that appear wrinkled, have a white or discolored shell with cracks are the result of too late harvesting.
    To remove the seeds from the fruit without damage, first cut the top of the fruit and then along the white membrane chambers. The seeds dissolve almost automatically with just a little pressure. The white membrane should be completely removed as it has a bitter taste.