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Thick wholegrain oatmeal (Copos de avena integral gruesos) 500 g

  • Whole oatmeal. Oatmeal is one of the most complete cereals. Tasty, nutritious and refreshing. They can be cooked in many ways. 5 tablespoons of oatmeal make up half of the recommended daily amount of beta-glucans.
    Ingredients: thick whole wheat AVENA flakes *. * Organically grown.
    Allergens: Traces: Lupines and Prod. Lupine-Based Traces: Peanut Traces: Nuts with Peel Gluten Traces: Sesame and Prod. Based on Sesame Traces: Soy and Derivatives
    Use: They can be eaten raw by mixing with juices, vegetable drinks, milk or yoghurt. They are easier to assimilate if soaked beforehand. They can also be easily roasted in the pan. Cooked: cook for 4-5 minutes. 3-4 tablespoons per person for the preparation of porridge, to which you can add fruits, nuts, seeds or honey. They can also be used for cooking, for example to prepare bread, biscuits, meatballs or croquettes.
    Storage: Store in a cool, dry place. Keep the product well closed after opening for better preservation.
    Nutritional analysis per 100 g of product
    Energy value 1475 kJ / 350 kcal
    Fat 5.3 g
    Saturated fatty acids 1 g
    Carbohydrates 56.6 g
    Sugar 1.2 g
    14.7 g dietary fiber
    Proteins 11.6 g
    Salt 0.03 g
    Salt 0.65 g